Welcome to Avalon Montessori Infant Program, where learning is an adventure and every child's unique potential is nurtured!

The Curriculum

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the child’s brain develops more rapidly during the period from birth to age 3 than at any other time, allowing more learning to take place than any other stage of development.

At Avalon Montessori, we understand and appreciate the importance of these formative years and the great benefits that Montessori provides to the developing child. Our Infant classroom foster’s the
child’s natural desire for learning, their selfconfidence, and the intrinsic motivation that they will need to become lifelong learners and peaceful beings who will make great contributions to our society and world.

The Classroom Environment

Our Infant classrooms are a loving, nurturing, and supportive environment specially designed for the young child. This is where the child’s natural passion for exploration, curiosity, discovery, and learning comes alive.

The environment is a calm, organized, and uncluttered space where children can freely explore and learn. Montessori activities are introduced to the child considering his/her capacity and readiness.

How We Teach and Learn

The goals of our infant program are to foster the development of trust and to assist in the natural development of the young child’s personality. We know that trust develops in an environment where people respond attentively to the infant’s needs to be loved and accepted. During these first formative years, we never lose sight of the infant’s need for individual care and attention. We know that through the quality of holding, feeding, and communicating, children acquire a strong and positive sense of self.
While children are encouraged to be active, inquisitive learners, sensitive adults are always near to direct their exploration, to assist, or to gently comfort. Communications, both verbal and nonverbal, are also a vital part of the infant program. Our infant class is a rich environment for developing language. The vocabulary of objects, activity, and feelings pervades every aspect of our program.
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